Friday, March 12, 2010

A New Job!!!

Alright people the job search is over. I have a job at Wal-Mart. I am not sure when I start. I went today to do the pay work and do the drug test. So when the drug test comes back that is when I will go for orentation. It sounds crazy for me to take a job at Wal-Mart as a part-time cashier. I have always wanted to be a cashier at a store like that. I always wanted to start out small and work my way up. So I am excited where this new job is going to take me. Granted I may not be at church as much and be working crazy hours. The funny thing is when I went to Doctor's Care for my drug test I met two other girls that I am going to be working with and I got a chance to talk to them.
My aunt is doing good. My grandma is getting worse. We are not sure how much longer we are going to have with her.

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