Saturday, February 27, 2010

Update on yesterday's interview

I had a interview yesterday with Aladdin's Travels. It is located on Fort Gordon. It went pretty well. I am not sure if I am going to take it cause it is base on commission only. I should know something Tuesday about rather or not I got it. I am going to wait until Thursday when I have my other interview with DHEC. I am really excited about that for some reason.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Interviews coming up!!

I have a couple of interviews coming up. In facted one of them is today at 4:00. It is with a travel agency at Fort Gordon. It is called Aladdin. I think that is a really cool name. Please pray that it will go will. I also have an interview this coming Thursday at DHEC. It is at 10:00 in the morning. This interview is for someone to enter data and things of that sort. So please pray for both of them. They both sound awesome and to me they both seem to be enjoyable.
To put a plug in. Foreman Memorial Baptist Church is having a Wild Game supper Friday March 5 at 6:30. Page Patterson is speaking. Please come if you like wild game. It is going to be fun.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Letting Go.

Lately I have been having a problem of letting go of things. I have been wanting God to help me to do some things but I just felt like the last couple of weeks He said that in order for Me to help you, you have to let go of it and let Me handle it. So this past week week that is what I have been doing. I have seen a slow change just in how I have been feeling. I have not been feeling stressed over the situation and things have slowly began looking up. Things for me lately have been getting back to normal or atleast normal for me. It have taken a while but I am getting there.
So remember if you are feeling stressed about something give it to God. He wants it and He can take it better then we can. He hung on a cross for us so I think He can take a lot. So remeber that as well that when we feel like we can not take it anymore just think about Jesus and how He hung on a cross for us.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Update On Grandma

My grandma is doing good. She is out of the hospital. She came back to Harbor Chase today. She is still confused but not as much. Still pray for her and family as well. Thank you to the ones that prayed for her.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Prayer Request

My grandma is in the hospital. She has a kidney infections. Please pray for her.
As far as anything else there really is not an update. I am still looking for another job. I have wonder how many resumes I have sent out and wonder how many applications I have filled out. Hopefully something will come up soon.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Interesting Day

I had my interview today with Enon Baptist Church in Easley SC. It was suppose to be a 2 and half hour ride. It ended up being a 3 and half hour drive. I did manger to get there on time and I mean right at 7. I got lost and the pastor had to come and get me. Once I got there and had the interview everything went great. I felt confident about my answer. Everyone there was really laid back. They have four more interviews and then I will know rather or not they chose me. I should know the end of March beginning of April. Please for their decision to pick the right candidate for the position.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yesterday I was at the gym working out with my trainer. Well he saw my bracelet and he asked me about it. I told him what is was for but before I could get to the end he changed the subjected on me. Well atleast I started something with him. So please pray that the next time that I do work out with him that I will have another chance to complete what I started.
I also have an interview tomorrow with a church in Easley so please pray for that as well.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Prayer Request.

I accidentally hit the enter key before I posted anything. Some times I get a head of myself.
Alright for the prayer request. It is nothing bad or anything but something positive. I got home yesterday and was checking my email. One of the churches that I had sent my resume to emailed me wanting an interview with them this Thursday night at 7pm. The church is Enon Baptist Church in Easley SC. It is for Youth Director. Please pray that it will be God's will that I get this job. Also pray for this church as they are seeking a youth leader. I may not be the one that they are looking for and so be it. So pray that God's hand is in this situation. Also pray for a safe trip for me because it is 3 hours away and I am not the best with directions at all. I have mapquest directions so we shall see how this goes.
I also had an interview last Friday for a babysitting job. It went well. I doubt that I will get it or even want it. The reason why I don't want it is because it will not pay enough for my bills and I would have to get a second job. Not that getting a second job is bad or anything but I personally don't want a second job. I would like to have that time to do other things.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My will not God's Will

Alright I know weird title but there is a reason for it. I know the last few blogs have been depressing but I really want people to know my thoughts and what I have been thinking. I just wan people to know how much I am growing in my faith.
Alright for the reason for my title. I love doing missions that is my heart. The thing that I have been thinking about this week is why am I not back in missions full-time. Well because I have to wait on God and the thing is I am in missions full-time. As Christian we are called to serve and witness rather or not it is our full-time job (meaning as getting payed for it type of deal). I would like to do it as my full-time job. In a way I am everyday that I am alive I can always do something around the house and when I leave the house. Basically I am trying to rush God for something He knows right now I am not ready for. I am right where I am for a reason. I may not know right now what it is but I will soon enough.
This week has been pretty busy. I like it like that. Work is work. I am still looking for work. I did have an interview for a babysitting job. I have not heard back from it yet. I am suppose to hear some time this week. Other then that I have not had any more interviews. I am hoping to be able to get some more soon.
I have been working out like crazy to this week. I have hit a plateau and I am trying to get myself out of it by working harder. So far I have lost a total of 32 pounds.