Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My will not God's Will

Alright I know weird title but there is a reason for it. I know the last few blogs have been depressing but I really want people to know my thoughts and what I have been thinking. I just wan people to know how much I am growing in my faith.
Alright for the reason for my title. I love doing missions that is my heart. The thing that I have been thinking about this week is why am I not back in missions full-time. Well because I have to wait on God and the thing is I am in missions full-time. As Christian we are called to serve and witness rather or not it is our full-time job (meaning as getting payed for it type of deal). I would like to do it as my full-time job. In a way I am everyday that I am alive I can always do something around the house and when I leave the house. Basically I am trying to rush God for something He knows right now I am not ready for. I am right where I am for a reason. I may not know right now what it is but I will soon enough.
This week has been pretty busy. I like it like that. Work is work. I am still looking for work. I did have an interview for a babysitting job. I have not heard back from it yet. I am suppose to hear some time this week. Other then that I have not had any more interviews. I am hoping to be able to get some more soon.
I have been working out like crazy to this week. I have hit a plateau and I am trying to get myself out of it by working harder. So far I have lost a total of 32 pounds.

1 comment:

  1. Every second of every day we are living in a mission field...and I'm so glad you realize it. I know it's hard waiting for God to send you "full time" (Andrew and I are doing the same thing) but try to find God's purpose for THIS season of your life. I'm pretty sure you'll discover it's training for whatever His future plans for you hold!
