Monday, April 26, 2010

Crazy Stories!!!

Alright here are a few crazy Wal-Mart stories or atleast I think that they are crazy. Some people like to tell you everything when you ask how are you? That is one loaded question. People will either answer you with a fine, good, or even great or awesome. Then there are some people that act like they did not hear you. I guess they do not want to talk at all. Well when I asked that question to two people I got an ear full. One lady told me that she was divorced and that her ex-husband lived around the corner. Well her daughter was staying with her ex-husband that night. The daughter called her and was crying to come home. Apparently her ex and her got into an argument over it because she did not see a problem to why her daughter could not come home. She told me it was like her ex-husband was trying to make a point. Then she asked me what I would do. I simply explained that I neither married or had any kids and I am not sure what I would do in that situation. I also told her that she needed to do what she felt was right to do. I was not sure what to tell her.
Then the second was a man. He comes in to Wal-Mart often. Well he told me that one day he got asked to leave because he told the manager off. He told the manager that the stuff in Wal-Mart was a piece of junk (to say nicely cause he used some coloful language).
Sometimes I am not sure how to acted to these kind of people. I felt like they were asking me what they should do or have done. When sometimes I am not sure how I would have done in those situations myself. Please pray that I will be able to answer question and to be a witness at the same time.
Oh speaking of praying I have a prayer request. My uncle is still looking for another job. He has had a few interviews but nothing has come of them yet. Please pray that he will be able to find one soon.

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